

You will complete your master’s program with a culminating experience to showcase the knowledge you’ve gained through the program. You can chose from two options — a research thesis or culminating project.



Culminating project is a three-credit course. The following requirements must be met before registering for EM 670 course:

  • 最低GPA要求-必须在3以上.0
  • Minimum 15 number of credits should be completed

The steps to completing your culminating project are as follows:

步骤1:  Select an adviser from the engineering management program.

步骤2: 注册em670. Usually students take 3 credit of EM 670 for writing the proposal and one credit for conducting the project and writing the report.

步骤3: Select a topic for conducting your project in your area of interest or using the knowledge that you have learned in the courses such as quality engineering, 项目管理, 供应链管理, 等. 和你的导师讨论这个话题.

步骤4: Form a committee of three faculty members. Two members can be from within the department and one can be from other departments like 理学院 and 工程, College of Business or a professor with whom you did an elective course.

步骤5: Get confirmation from committee members to serve on your culminating project committee.

步骤6: Write a synopsis of the project problem you are interested in. Approach the professor who will be the chair of the committee and get their concern. If the chair approves your idea you can develop a proposal.

第七步: The proposal guidelines are posted on a separate link.

第八步: Once your proposal has been reviewed by your chair, send it to the full committee.

步骤9: Once the committee is comfortable with your proposal, select from the available MEM conference dates. Fill out the 最终项目调度表 (posted on the website) and send it to the scheduling GA.

第十步: Indicate on the scheduling form if you prefer to do your preliminary conference via web or in person.

步骤11: On the day of your preliminary conference, arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled time slot. If you are doing a web presentation ensure that all technical issues are resolved beforehand for a smooth presentation.You must present your proposal in 10 minutes. The committee will decide whether to accept your proposal as is or with change. If any changes are recommended, resubmit your proposal document after your preliminary conference.

步骤12:  If your proposal is approved you can start working on your final report for the culminating project. Note that the projects that involve human subjects (or in other words, those doing a survey that involves human participants) will have to seek an approval from the 院校覆核委员会 在进行调查前.

步骤13: Typically, international students take two semesters to complete their culminating project. If they don’t have work experience they can work in some industry. For that they can get 11 months full-time 课程及实践训练 (CPT) on the basis of culminating project credits that they have registered for. You have to register for at least one credit every semester to maintain your status as an international student.

步骤14: Four to six weeks before you plan to do a final conference, you should send a draft of your culminating project report to your chair and once reviewed by the chair send to the committee. Please note that your culminating final report should be at least 50 pages in length not including the title pages.

步骤十五: Once you obtain feedback and culminating project is ready to a certain level, seek your committee chair's permission to schedule a final conference. Select from the available MEM conference dates. Fill out the 最终项目调度表 (posted on the website) and send it to the scheduling GA. Please note that you must do your final defense in person and make travel arrangements for the same.

步骤16: Send out an email to the Master of 工程 Management list serve (mem-l@lists.chicksthatlift.net) and invite all students in the program to your final presentation.

步骤17: Typically there are 15 minutes for the final presentation and 5 minutes for questions and answers.

 步骤18: The committee then decides whether you pass or fail. 如果你通过了考试,你就可以毕业了. Your committee chair can change your final grade for EM 670 after you submit a spiral bound copy of your final report.



St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城’s 工程 Management Programs are certified by the American Society for 工程 Management (ASEM). ASEM is the lead society for 工程 Management Program certification worldwide.


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